
2016年feb12_businessvalue_bWhile there is a lot of information out there about how to gain value from LinkedIn, most of it is aimed at large companies or individuals. 其中一些信息可能是有用的, but some of it can cause you to make mistakes that present your business in the wrong light. 作为中小企业 owner, you need to utilize LinkedIn in a way that matches your business size. That’s why we’ve provided these tips catered to SMBs who want to gain more value from their time spent on LinkedIn.


Simply put, LinkedIn is not a 内容营销 platform. 是的, 人们确实会发表文章和帖子, 但是如果你的预算不多,时间又很紧, you will get more bang for your buck on 社交媒体 networks that are more 内容营销 friendly. 例如, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are all far better options in this scenario. Many users are on these platforms to view content in one form or another. On LinkedIn, content can undoubtedly be viewed, but people are primarily there to make connections. Of course that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t post an occasional article on LinkedIn. It just means don’t make it the main source of your 内容营销 efforts.

Another way businesses misconceive LinkedIn is in terms of lead generation. Basically, you shouldn’t expect your LinkedIn page to generate a large amount of leads. 作为中小企业, 你的营销预算有限, so you’ll be better off using your advertising budget to drive leads to your actual website or even a Facebook business page. Your LinkedIn business page should be used instead to validate your experience, 凭证, 和职业精神. With that said, make sure your page is polished and updated with all this information.


We all know that LinkedIn is a great platform to connect with business colleagues. If you’re active on the platform, you likely have hundreds of connections. 所以下次你出差的时候, why not tap your network to book additional meetings in the city you’re traveling to? 问问你自己, which of your connections could help you extend your sales in that region or benefit your business in some other way? You don’t have to stick to business colleagues you know personally. You can create valuable new relationships by tapping your current LinkedIn network. 要做到这一点, search first and second degree connections using the geographic search option, 然后根据职位头衔筛选你的搜索结果, 行业, 公司规模和您理想的前景. 一旦你找到了潜在的接触者, see if you can get an introduction from one of your first connections, 或者直接给他们发邮件,然后自己联系他们.


A very common small business mistake on LinkedIn is making your company page about you, 不关你的事. You may mistakenly create this page like your personal profile, listing accolades and job experience. 你真正应该关注的是什么, 然而, is something much bigger: the story of your business or brand. 一个故事将有助于吸引你的潜在客户, 在他们的脑海中留下印象, and also give you an opportunity to touch on the value your business provides to customers. Your profile should also include some of the top brands your business has helped. 如果你的客户是塔吉特, 的差距, 全食超市或其他大品牌, 一定要提出来, as it proves your credibility as a business or service provider.


While big companies have the budget and time to post job openings on LinkedIn, 作为中小企业, 很有可能你两样都缺. Fortunately, there’s an alternative way to find top talent on LinkedIn. 只需自己搜索即可.

Before you get started, you need to know exactly what kind of hire you’re looking for. Think about people you already know who would be perfect for the job. While you may not have the ability or budget to hire them, 在领英上查查他们,看看他们的职业道路. 这个人以前扮演过什么样的角色? What kind of experience did he or she have before their current position? 有了这些信息, now you can search for people who are in or have held similar positions, and will likely share qualities of your ideal candidate. 一旦你有了一批潜在的申请者, reach out to them through InMail or a shared connection to see if they’re interested in your job.


就像所有的社交媒体平台一样, 如果你不与你的关系接触, you’ll see little value generated from your time using it. 然而, 与LinkedIn, the type of engagement you participate in can be extremely valuable for your business. All it requires is for you to ask for help or feedback. 例如, if you have several logo designs for a new product and are unsure of which is best, share some of them with your network to get feedback. If you’re curious about a new productivity tool and wonder if it’s worth investing in, 问问你的朋友是否有人用过它. Oftentimes in the business world, people are happy to help you if you just speak up. 然而,别忘了回报你的好意. If you become the person who seems to only be taking advice without giving any in return, 这会对你的声誉产生负面影响.

If you’d like more ideas on how 社交媒体 or technology can create value for your business, 不要犹豫,联系我吧. Our IT solutions can help you overcome challenges, and create an even more valuable business.

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