
投资者看利润增长图表.Pushing the envelope, thinking outside the box, keeping someone in the loop. All of these phrases, and countless more, have had their turn in the corporate spotlight. Thankfully now, in most working environments, they have been consigned to history. 然而, one buzzword is making the rounds at the moment and - unlike some of its predecessors - it actually means something: here we take a look at “大数据.”

So, we’ve established that 大数据 is causing a stir and creating a buzz in companies that are in the know. 事实上, it’s become hip to bandy about the phrase whenever one is trying to impress their boss, 高级管理人员或同事. 但是就像现在流行的行话一样, it really doesn’t count for a whole lot if it doesn’t mean anything, 尤其是在工作场所.

好消息是, unlike some of the more hackneyed expressions thrown around by those colleagues that are so desperate to impress their seniors, 大数据确实是有意义的. And, more to the point, it can help your business thrive. Big data can help you achieve that end result that everyone in business is chasing: 利润.

This is why 大数据 is trending so sharply at the moment - after all, every owner or manager of a small or medium-sized business wants to grow their bottom line. Times are hard in many industries: increasing competition from abroad, the threat of the internet to bricks-and-mortar stores, 困难的经济环境——这样的例子不胜枚举. But what if something as simple as using your business’s data could push you heads and shoulders above the competition, and help turn around that downwards or flatlining arrow on your sales chart and point it upwards in the direction of success?

But before we get to that; what actually is “大数据”? 为什么它大?? 好吧, we may have said that using data to grow 利润 is simple but, 事实上, 其实没那么简单. Big data is used to refer to various sets of data that are so huge and so complex that the traditional methods of processing data are virtually useless. Database management tools and other processing applications become redundant and are just not up to the task of capturing, 存储, 寻找, 分享, 转移, 分析, 可视化数据.

而不是查看单独的小数据集, 大数据 - as the name implies - looks at larger sets that contain far more information. This enables anyone 分析 the results to cross-check the sets and pinpoint trends, 积极的和消极的, 在整个企业中. 结果是, owners and managers can make more informed decisions that affect the company in a more beneficial way than is possible by merely looking at small, 孤立的数据集.

Big data therefore plays a valuable role in strategy and planning, and also helps troubleshoot worrying or problematic trends that threaten the performance and 利润ability of the business. 简单地说, using 大数据 to assist in making decisions for your company is about being able to see the bigger picture (to use another tired corporate buzz phrase). Decisions made with all the facts at hand will naturally help increase 收入, as opposed to blindly feeling in the dark and making changes to one area or department that may negatively affect another.

There are a number of ways that you can use 大数据 分析 to make better decisions and increase 利润. Crucially, it allows you to see what really makes your customers tick. Nowadays many businesses offer different ways for their customers to communicate with them. 从电子邮件到网站, 到电话和人际交往, all of these present you with meaningful information about your clients’ behavior. 知道你的客户依赖你做什么, 他们如何与你互动, and where they may hesitate or stumble when using your services, provides a wealth of knowledge just waiting to be mined. 然而, a lot of this data is unstructured and therefore cannot be analyzed using traditional means. That’s where 大数据 comes in: it can help you uncover the information you need to really understand your customers.

Of course it goes without saying that a deeper understating of your customers can help you grow your customer base, 增加回头客, 提高客户忠诚度, and reduce bounce rates and the number of dissatisfied customers. But that’s not all - 分析 this data will allow you to develop new products or services, 创建更强大, 更有效的营销活动, and create an all-round better experience for the people that matter most – the people you serve.

想了解更多关于大数据的知识, and find out how it can have a seriously positive impact on your business’s 收入? Talk to us today - we have the knowledge and experience to help you really get the most out of your company’s intel.

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