
Light Bulbs on vector technology pattern BackgroundIt’s one thing to look at and collect your business’s data, but how do you actually go about turning that wealth of information into something meaningful you can use as a force to propel your organization on to bigger and better things? 数据挖掘可能是一项艰巨的任务, and may well make a regular appearance at the very bottom of your to-do list, but there are ways of tackling this seemingly insurmountable challenge.

Many small and medium-sized businesses shy away from 数据分析 due to the perceived complexities of dealing with the myriad of facts and figures. A head for figures is something many of us lack – and, 即使你对数学没有问题, there’s the time involved in setting aside a part of your busy schedule to track your analytics.

但你越早接受你的数据, the sooner you can start adding real value to your business through this extremely valuable, 而且经常未被开发, source. But just how does a smaller enterprise actually set about doing that? 毕竟, even the most humble of mom and pop stores or home-office-based entrepreneurs has access to an often bewildering array of trackable metrics.

关键是, 如果数据是有价值的, 它需要易于收集, 整理分析. There’s no point spending half your working week mired in incomprehensible spreadsheets and charts if you can’t extract useful information and then apply it in a meaningful way that meets your end goals.

When thinking about analytics, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. 不仅如此, but the vast majority of business owners would much rather spend their working lives filling dental cavities, 铺设地板, solving legal disputes or selling fitted kitchens - whatever your own particular specialist skill might be - than learning about and trying to apply 数据分析 techniques. 这就是分析仪表板可以提供帮助的地方. These take the hassle out of unearthing all that data, and present your metrics to you in a more understandable format. But with an array of different tools to choose from, what should you consider if this is the route you decide to take?

  • 使用起来有多容易? There’s no point investing in a dashboard solution if you don’t understand the way the data is presented to you; you still won’t be able to apply it in any meaningful way.
  • 分析将深入到什么程度? You’ll likely want to be able to track trends, compare results over time, and chart your success.
  • 数据是否易于应用? You want your dashboard to simplify the application of data within your business environment, 让你更容易采取行动.
  • 它节省你的时间吗? If you’re currently spending frustrating hours sifting through reams of facts and figures, 这是一个巨大的考虑. You need your dashboard to supply pertinent information in an easy-to-read format.
  • 它与其他程序和应用程序兼容吗? 如果你经营一家网上商店, you will want the dashboard to work with your POS and shopping cart. You may also want it to track website analytics and social media engagement.

Once you’ve decided on a data analytic dashboard, how do you know which metrics to look at? Every business will differ depending on their industry and individual needs or challenges, but there are a couple of points you will want to bear in mind.

To make the leap from looking at data to making plans and actually doing something, you need to highlight your most important metrics and use them as something to action. Let’s say you find it hard to retain customers; you know this and your data backs it up. Clearly you’re not doing enough to ensure your customers return. That could indicate you’re spending too much time and money on attracting new clients. Now you can take action: do you need to improve your customer service or offer more products or services? Create a marketing plan that targets past customers by telling them about something new or by offering them a discount.

Now you have easy access to data that shows you your best selling products or services, 你的销售高峰期, 和更多的. This will help you get to know your customers far better, 跟踪他们的行为, 在增加服务时要提前计划, 购买库存, 或者为忙碌的咒语做准备.

无论你的目标是吸引新客户, 保留旧的, 扩大你的产品范围, or discern whether opening a new location is a viable option, your data will prove to be an indispensable friend. 毕竟, customers may come and go – but your data will always be there for you.

If you’d like to learn more about adding value to your business with 数据分析, or want to explore 数据分析 dashboard options, get in touch with us today - we’ll be happy to advise you on the options best suited to your needs.

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